Monday, September 18, 2006

York is a REALLY long way from Edinburgh...

So I spent around 3 hours of today's bus ride passed out and sprawled across two seats. And by sprawled I mean curled up in the fetal position. But it was a good nap.

Now we are in York, in the Lady Anne Middleton Hotel, which is nearly heaven compared to the Edinburgh Travelodge on Sketch Street. We have hand towels! And a bath mat! And two beds! And free internet!

Edinburgh was wonderful, excluding the hotel, and I really want to go back. It's a lovely place, and at least seemingly safe. And there is a restaurant called Chocolate Soup, which is basically AMAZING! The pay phone booths smell really bad. I know because I stood in one for quite a while talking to my parents, since the hotel DID NOT HAVE PHONES!!! But really, it was a good 3 days.

Today we stopped in Durham to see the Cathedral there, which was very very grand. I think it's fascinating that people were passionate enough to carry out such a project, but I wonder if maybe they misunderstood the point of it all, if they were trying to impress God with a man-made structure. But it was lovely to be there.

As a side note, I had fish and chips for lunch again today, which I think makes this my 3rd fish and chips meal in 3 days.

York seems very pleasant, but I don't really know since I haven't seen it in daylight. I hope we get some free time tomorrow.

I was going to post some pictures, but it seems that this internet connection isn't too keen on that idea, so oh well. I may write more tomorrow, or email pics, or something of that nature.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristen!!! anyway, what I actually wanted to say, aside from screaming to you across the English Channel... (read "internet"), is that yes, Edinburgh is quite safe, and if you want to go back, I'd be more than willing to join you because I want to go back.