Last week we saw Caroline, or Change Monday night--a musical about a black maid in 1960s Louisiana. It was great. Particularly entertaining was hearing British actors try to approximate a Southern American accent.
Tuesday I had to do my last presentation (well, except for the big final one), on City of the Mind. I talked about the fluidity of time in the novel--aren't you impressed? It's a good book though, despite the fact that it was required. Wednesday we took a walking tour, including Westminster Abbey, which was amazing, particularly Poets' Corner, where literary and other artistic greats are buries or otherwise commemorated, including Geoffrey Chaucer, author of the Canterbury Tales. Thursday we took an all day excursion to Windsor and Eton. Neither Windsor Castle nor Eton (the private boys' school) was particularly thrilling, except of course for the illegal walk through a restricted part of the Eton campus, led by the fearless and now imprisoned Dr. Leavell.
I've also had a bit of an insomnia issue this past week. By Wednesday night I was practically dead, completely unable to concentrate on anything. Which was rather inconvenient since I had to go see Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll that night. That play was horrible--not well written, too complex for the average (or even above-average) viewer, extremely slow paced, and to top it all off the main actor forgot his lines about 3 times and had to get the stage manager to feed his lines to him. We were wondering if maybe he was drunk. Chandler and I hugged each other when the final curtain fell, we were so glad it was over.
Guaranteed to be much more fun is Spamalot, the musical based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I am going to see Monday night from the 7th row. Oh yes, and TIM CURRY is playing King Arthur! You know, Tim Curry from Clue and about a million other cult comedies? Very exciting.
Then Thursday night we're seeing Phantom of the Opera. Isn't the London theatre scene just spectacular? We're also hoping to get tickets to Wicked while we're here.
Well, daylight savings time starts tonight, which means starting tomorrow it will be dark here by 5:00 pm, if not before. Actually, it's only about 5:15 here now, and it's already well on the way to night.
I'm hoping to have a go-take-pictures day Sunday or Monday, so hopefully I will soon have some more fun pictures to post. But to satiate you for now, here's a fun one of Big Ben as seen from a statue of Bodicea (sp?), a Celtic (female) warrior who helped save England from the Roman Empire. Whoohoo!

Yesterday I went to the grocery store, and the cashier actually smiled and chatted with me. It made me realize how much I miss smiling friendly people. No one here smiles or talks to people they don't know. In fact they pretty much try to avoid eye contact entirely. I can't wait to get me some more of that good ole' Southern hospitality!
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