I am now officially in LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For anyone who is familiar with London, we are in the West End, quite near the Covent Garden area.
Yesterday we left Stratford at 10 am, stopped at Warwick Castle (where there were peacocks!), then headed to the Royal National, affectionately known to Furman students as "the Nasty." However the hotel thankfully does not live up to its nickname. It is absolutely huge and definitely basic, but also clean. To give you some idea of how big it is, they checked in 900 people yesterday alone.
Last night we had Indian cuisine, and then I completely crashed. I was exhausted, having been up late the previous few nights. Today I slept in a bit, unpacked, then went on a rather long walk to the Museum of London, which was pretty neat--I will have to return there. When we returned we discovered that our pilgrimage comrades had arrived, and so there was many a joyful reunion. Ok maybe it wasn't quite that exciting, but it was definitely fun and a little weird to see them all again after 2 weeks.
My first impressions of London: BIG, diverse, smelly, BIG, dirty, fun, and did I mention BIG?
Some of that may have sounded negative, but it's really not, it's just hard to get used to for a girl who lives 25 minutes away from a Wal-Mart.

The sign for our delightful B&B in Stratford--I highly recommend it if you ever happen to be there.

I just love this picture. :)
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