Thursday, November 08, 2007

Laundry and assorted nonsense

I have been forced to do laundry today, as I am on my very last pair of underwear, granny panties included. So currently I'm sitting around waiting for that magic moment when I may go transfer my laundry from the two washing machines to the two dryers. I believe I may have to extricate someone else's laundry from the dryers, seeing as how, 20 minutes ago when I put my own laundry in the wash, the dryers still had 87 minutes to go (here at Furman you can set the dryers to run for whatever amount of time you wish, in 15 minute increments). I assume said person is attempting to avoid cooking tonight by having extra crispy tshirts for dinner.

I myself will be dining at the creatively named Business Etiquette Dinner being put on by the formidable Office of Career Services. The OCS is formidable mostly because their incessant emails make me beat my head against the wall multiple times a day. These are very friendly emails attempting to make me go out, get a real job and/or grad school acceptance letter, and make my way in the world. But, SURPRISE! I already KNOW what I'm doing with my life. In fact, I have not only my career planned, but my Master's and Ph.D. programs as well! Therefore, Sandra Clark, Head Honcho of OCS Emails, you may now cease and desist with clogging my inbox with 18 emails a day. Perhaps you could consider compiling all those lovely events and other news into one weekly email, so that I would not get carpel tunnel from hitting the "Delete" key.

My laundry has approximately 2 minutes left in the washer. I am debating whether I should fold the Dryer Fiend's clothes for him/her, or whether it would even matter since I'm not sure that one's t-shirt must be folded to taste like Extra Crispy Tide. Yummy.

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