Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday night in the Nasty

So, since last Tuesday…

We’ve had a lot of classes, involving lectures and presentations. Wednesday we went to the Tower of London (see pictures from last post), and Thursday we went to St. Paul’s Cathedral, where frustratingly you are not allowed to take pictures (grrrrr).

Classes ended at 12:30 Friday, and we had the whole weekend free. In fact, we don’t have to be anywhere specific until Monday night, when we see a play.

I slept a ridiculous amount Saturday and today as well. It seems I’m sleep-deprived and needed to recuperate. But I swear I’m setting an alarm for tomorrow.

Yesterday I went dress-shopping. (I know, Kristen??? In a DRESS??? Feel free to pass out now.) I didn’t actually buy anything, but I found a lovely purple dress I liked a lot and might get if I don’t stumble upon anything better in the next week or so. The depressing thing about buying clothing here is that the sizes are bigger. As in, you have to go up 2 sizes to find clothes that fit.

As a side note, Starbucks Caramel Hot Chocolate is AMAZING—you should go get one. With whipped cream, of course.

Today, after I finally dragged myself out of the bed (I feel bad for Colleen the roommate, who is an early riser) and ate a banana and a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast/lunch (because it was, in fact 1:00 pm when I ate), I went with Hayley and Chandler to HARROD’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the couture shopping mecca of the world I think. Huge, HUGE store, with every classy brand name you can think of—Versace, Gucci, Dior, Juicy, Jimmy Choo. It was incredible. And you know what? I actually bought something!

A chocolate iced Krispy Kreme donut! (Yes, they sell those at Harrod’s too. And now I can say I bought something there.)

After that we visited what must be one of The Creepiest Cemetaries Ever. There were ravens and pigeons all over the place, trees, dead leaves, overgrown graves, actual mausoleums, and excessively friendly squirrels, who apparently are accustomed to being fed based on the way they ran up to my shoe and looked at me with big pitiful puppy-eyes. We didn’t get to stay there long though because it closed shortly after we arrived.

Also, it was dark at 6:00 here. According to our professors, who sometimes lie, it will be dark at 4:00 by the time we head home.

And now Kristen must go to her hovel and read, since she has been a slacker and done a whole bunch of anything-but-work since leaving the States.


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