Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday randomness.

Point foremost in my mind: Gilmore Girls should never have been made. I realize that this is a point of contention between myself and nearly every female I know, but really, it's hideous. I blame the writers and the people who came up with the thing in general. I realize that in my previous post I claimed to be an idealist, but the relationship between the mother and daughter in this show is far too ideal. I have a great relationship with my mom, but the fictionalized pair make us look like... I don't know, I can't even think of a comparison negative enough.

Meanwhile, my birthday was Tuesday, and as a consequence of this I have acquired LAMBIE SLIPPERS!!!!!!! They are fluffy and adorable.

Today my seminar English class ate at Greenville's latest greatest downtown restaurant: Handi Indian Cuisine. I got entirely addicted to Indian food while I was in England last year, and Handi is the closest approximation to authentic British Indian food I have so far found in America. The food and the service are both appallingly good, and now I have to save up to eat there once a week. Sorry Furman University; no more parking ticket fines going to you!

Meanwhile, if anyone has any favorite very short stories appropriate for reading aloud to ninth-graders, let me know. I'm lesson planning and you'd be amazed how difficult it is to find intelligent literary short stories whose plot does not entirely depend on sex and/or alcohol. I suspect this is due to the fact that most good authors depend on sex and/or alcohol to write. That's probably one of the qualifications for canonization.

I'm going out with friends tonight to celebrate my birthday; we're going to Molina's, a pretty classy (by Laurens standards) Mexican restaurant in TR. Should be exciting.


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