Friday, September 07, 2007

After a 2.5 month hiatus...

The Token Redhead returns post-summer, as she now has reason to procrastinate via blog again.

So the two kittens I mentioned in my June post turned into 4 kittens after we determined that the mother wasn't producing milk, which subsequently turned into lots of time spent with bottles and poop and lots of money spent on formula and vets. Good times! They are now 11 weeks old, weaned, litter trained, and named--Ariel, Sebastian, Scuttle, and Flounder! Flounder is nicknamed Flounder the Pounder due to the fact that I felt it unfortunate that she should be named after a fish, but it seemed preferable to Ursula, and of course I had to keep the theme going.

In other news, summer was mostly working and raising the children, and it recently concluded with a 4 week stint with 9th graders at Berea High, where i will be doing my "co-teaching," as Furman insists on calling it. It has been entertaining, but even with all the frustration the experience entailed (as I've bent many an ear about), I still know that teaching is what I'm meant to do, so that is a good feeling.

That's all my tired and stressed brain can come up with at the moment. Shoutouts to my multiple friends studying abroad in the British Isles--I'm shamrock green with envy.

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