Monday, January 15, 2007

Engagement is a plague

Breaking news bulletin: the Engagement Plague proves to be fiercely contagious. Roommate Laura got her ring over the holidays, and now Roommate Jenn is suddenly vying for her own diamond, leaving subtle hints like pages torn from Bride magazine on the floor so that her boyfriend will have to step over them. Pages featuring different cuts of diamond, I might add.

The saddest part of the whole thing is that no one is immune--even I found myself studying the diamonds and imagining how a 2 carat princess cut would look compared to an emerald cut. Now it's a toss-up as to whether being Laura's maid-of-honor is going to bring out the romantic side in me or push me even further in the other direction.

And my new favorite marriage quote, courtesy of Big Sister Dana: "It could be worse; I could be engaged." (Dana has apparently found the Engagement Plague immunization formula and is holding it for ransom.)


On a completely unrelated note: I found on our kitchen counter a can of Le Sueur Very Young Small Early Peas. Not just peas. Not just early peas. They are apparently very different from early peas in their age and stature. VERY different. So make sure the next time you're making a pea casserole that you pay close attention to the label--having Very Young Small Early Peas could make all the difference.


Scott Black said...

Haha. Yay Dana. Yeah, that plague is becoming rampant. Very fast.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.